If you wish to add missing information, data for specs sheets, submit videos, pictures, stories or write missing articles, please feel free to do so! However, please note that this website is not a “wiki” where everyone can freely edit or add information – the Shrine employs knowledgeable people to validate and help keep Group B history on this website as factual as possible.


  • Any information contribution or correction must be accompanied by factual proof which may include; official documents, press releases, or detailed pictures. Hearsay is not valid enough unless you were directly involved with Group B in some way (former works team member, mechanic, engineer, FISA/FIA official, rally insider, etc). Information found on other websites may or may not qualify and will be considered on a case-to-case basis. Proof of fact may also be waived under special circumstances so feel free to ask.
  • Do make sure that you have permission to submit any material that may be copyrighted. It is your responsibility to ensure that it does not infringe on Intellectual Property Rights and you may be liable in case of breach.
  • Articles or features that you wish to write must be in a similar format to the ones found in the same section of the website. By submitting your article you agree to release the copyright to this website. Your article will however be clearly attributed to your name with the added possibility to share a link to your website or social media account. Please contact us before writing a full article or feature with the specific intent of publishing on the website since unique arrangements can be made on a case-to-case basis.
  • Personal stories or anecdotes from people that have directly experienced Group B rallies or events are also welcomed. This specific type of contribution is exempt of proof of fact.


  • Any contribution that you make is of your own free will, waiving all liability to copyright, and is without monetary recompense or reward. This can however be discussed on a case-to-case basis.
  • Contributions made in an unprofessional way with lots of typos, unstructured text or written in a disrespectful or offensive manner will be discarded.
  • Contributions made anonymously or under an alias are not allowed. As such please provide your real name when submitting information. You also allow the Shrine to publish your name. Discretion can however be granted on certain conditions, such as if you are a public figure or in a position that requires privacy.
  • There is absolutely no guarantee that your contribution will be accepted or implemented in the website after review. If published, any contribution or material that you submitted may be later modified or deleted without notice.

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*** Please allow up to 72 hours for a reply. Your patience is appreciated! ***